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enlightenedDK  skills: 

mailtwisting slash stamina usage decrease from 10 stamina per use to 5, making it an perfect skill for afk training and more fluid in BC, CC events.

mailDeath stab stamina usage increased from 10 to 15 and damage increased by 30%     make the use of skill more efficient.

mailRageful blow stamina usage increased from 9 to 40 and damage increased by 350% this will make the skill useful as a final attack in PvP and PvE


enlightenedElf skills:

mailIce arrow: increased the stamina to 30 per hit stunning chance increased to 6 seconds making it ideally for PvP and PvE Bosses situations

mailPenetration arrow :  increased damage by 80% better than multishot but increased stamina usage from 12 to 20 ,making it a useful skill to use time to time, not allways.

enlightenedImportant Notice :  Please consider pressing CTRL + F5 now on the website to update it to the latest version, also please use the Luncher.exe to enter the game in order to download the latest update.

Published by mVas, March 11, 2025

1. The following skills will be discontinued from the common monster drops :

DW:   hellfire, aquabeam , inferno, decay, ice storm, scroll of nova ,comet fall

DK:    rageful blow,death stab

ELF:   orb of penetration,orb of ice arrow.

Those skills will become rare as they stop dropping from Monsters ,and they will be added to a new Box that will drop randomly only from Mini Boss and Boss,

upon ussing that box you will receive randomly rewards or one of those skills mentioned.

2. New bosses added ,game changing bosses :

2.1      Death Beam that spawns in tarkan every 2 hours at coordonaties 150,215 ,and he will drop the following sets of items: Divine set for Elf, black dragon set for DK , Dark steel set for DL , Storm Crown set For MG and for DW  Grand Soul set.   Is it worth the time to fight for those drop? Definetly yes because those ar not your everyday items that you ar used to have with same stats , these items will add an additional 700 Defence in total only with equipments so it will be a game changer and absolutely needed if you plan to train in maps stronger than Losttower7.

2.2     Zaikan that spawns in tarkan every 2 hours at coordonaties  15,235 and he will drop the following sets of items:   Sword of destruction for Dk , celestial bow for Elf  ,scepter for DL and for DW aswell for MG , Staff of destruction. is it worth the time to fight for those drops? Definetely yes because those ar not your everyday items that you used to have with same stats, these items will add an additional 1000 damage on average and will be mandatory if you plan to train in maps stronger than losttower7.

Those ar big changes but you can also progress without those struggle , yet i recommand for better gameplay to acquire those equipments . This is end game equipment i believe? Yes for now this is endgame and very much you will need so jump and try to solo kill or do it with your friends.

the boss will 100% drop everytime atleast 1 item, it can also award RW coins boxes and other boxes ,skill boxes, jewels maybe even gemstones.

Thank you so much for reading this messsage i hope you appreciate the time and that you will find this piece of text useful.

Published by mVas, March 9, 2025

Added : +10 and +11 equipments enchantment to 100% success rate  

               Dinorant 100% success rate 

               Wings lvl 1   13% success rate    =   Chaos weapon +4 +add4   and 1 chaos (nothing more or less will not change the success rate )

               Wings lvl 2   13% sucess rate    =   Wings lvl 1  +feather and 1 chaos (nothing more or less will change the success rate ) 

                Fruit mix 100% success rate .

               Boss of Lorencia Narcondra modified respawn time  from 12 hours respawn to 24 hours beacuse the rewards ar too good.

               Mini boss of tarkan , Gigantis , modified respawn time from 1 hour to 3hours because aswell rewards ar too nice.

these modifications take place starting now, for quality purposes please use Luncher.exe to start the game and please update website by pressing right now CTRL + F5 togheter, thank you.



Published by mVas, March 7, 2025

Im glad to announce that after careful investigation over the class balance regarding the PvE experience i decided the following:

DW , MG and SM  increase of Defence by 25% per agility points added (similar to BK )

DW,MG and SM increase in Magical spells damage by another 10%

DW,MG and SM decrease of mana usage by 25%  , you will use 25% less mana for all magic spells.

All these changes ar applied now, you just need to relog the game by exit the game client fully and re-enter ,then the changes ar in consideration

Published by mVas, March 6, 2025

Boss:  Narcondra

Everyone is welcome to participate ,everyone can attack her but only one can take her rewards, or maybe work togheter and share , you decide

Boss: Narcondra

Respawn : 24 hours      Location :     Lorencia  185,125              HP  : ?,???;???

Update :   Goodjob defeating the first boss 

                 here is a shared memory of the moment:

Published by mVas, March 5, 2025

Mini Boss system explanation : 

Mini Bosses ar special monsters with huge drop rate of good items , that will respawn at a fix amount of time , without annocement of Event such as invasion . Once it dies , it will respawn at a defined amount of time . in this case the mini Boss its Gigantis ,and he respawn every 2 hours after he been killed. Whoever kills it ,knows its respawn time, if that makes sense , so if you kill it you have advantage of knowing when the next respawn will be . Fight for it or make alliance and fight it togheter , you decide the fate of this mini boss. the rewards ar handsome, including the Quest level 2 of becoming SM, BK and MUSE ELF. every kill has 100% chance of drop an item ,either quest item, RW Coin items or other jewels and items. you can PK or you can Ally and make turns for the drops , chose wisely.

Mini Boss : Gigantis

Respawn : 3 hours      Location :     Tarkan  200,105              HP  : ???;???


Published by mVas, March 4, 2025

1.Great news, arrows for Elfs become unlimited ,it will never go under 255

2.Prices of Rings and pendants will be frozen at 5,000 zen each , regardless of stats.

3.Being in a Guild will increase your drop rate by 10%.

4.Box of Luck was so succesful that i decide to add another 3 boxes that will be available from higher Level monsters , and their prices will be same like Box of Luck , 0 Zen Use them of burn them.

5.Vote system updated , please vote every 12 hours at the Vote section and receive rewards Every Monday at 1 PM UTC timezone , 1 PM Brussels time.

Published by mVas, March 1, 2025

The following maps been removed permanently from the Warp Command list : Tarkan , Tarkan2 , Icarus  and Arena.

Added   NPC with unique level requiments for those maps , in Atlans you may find NPC warp for tarkan ,  in losttower you may find NPC warp for Icarus and in Tarkan you may find NPC warp for Arena :


Published by mVas, June 27, 2024

Here is a better command box , just Press F1 to use :           

Published by mVas, February 18, 2024

The H button for Event TImer has been replaced with an clickable Button of Event Timer

The Clickable button can be found at Top left of your screen , next to the MuHelper options ,see below:


Published by mVas, January 2, 2024