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Modification Chaos mix Goblin

Added : +10 and +11 equipments enchantment to 100% success rate  

               Dinorant 100% success rate 

               Wings lvl 1   13% success rate    =   Chaos weapon +4 +add4   and 1 chaos (nothing more or less will not change the success rate )

               Wings lvl 2   13% sucess rate    =   Wings lvl 1  +feather and 1 chaos (nothing more or less will change the success rate ) 

                Fruit mix 100% success rate .

               Boss of Lorencia Narcondra modified respawn time  from 12 hours respawn to 24 hours beacuse the rewards ar too good.

               Mini boss of tarkan , Gigantis , modified respawn time from 1 hour to 3hours because aswell rewards ar too nice.

these modifications take place starting now, for quality purposes please use Luncher.exe to start the game and please update website by pressing right now CTRL + F5 togheter, thank you.



Published by mVas, March 7, 2025