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Skills modification
DK skills:
twisting slash stamina usage decrease from 10 stamina per use to 5, making it an perfect skill for afk training and more fluid in BC, CC events.
Death stab stamina usage increased from 10 to 15 and damage increased by 30% make the use of skill more efficient.
Rageful blow stamina usage increased from 9 to 40 and damage increased by 350% this will make the skill useful as a final attack in PvP and PvE
Elf skills:
Ice arrow: increased the stamina to 30 per hit stunning chance increased to 6 seconds making it ideally for PvP and PvE Bosses situations
Penetration arrow : increased damage by 80% better than multishot but increased stamina usage from 12 to 20 ,making it a useful skill to use time to time, not allways.
Important Notice : Please consider pressing CTRL + F5 now on the website to update it to the latest version, also please use the Luncher.exe to enter the game in order to download the latest update.